"As a veteran litigation attorney in the State of CA for 30 years who specialized in representing large companies (not unlike Paramount) -- and as a committed abolitionist for the last decade who has fought the child sex trade and against child sex slavery in third world countries as well as domestically by training law enforcement and large companies how to spot and AVOID sexual exploitation of vulnerable youth for profit and as well sits on a Human Trafficking Congressional Advisory Committee designed to eradicate same and stiffen penalties on offenders -- I am horrified by Paramount's conduct in this matter. Leonard and Olivia deserved protection then, and while I understand "times were different", neither is that an excuse for the behavior during the initial filming, nor the ever more egregious behavior by Paramount since that time, up to and including redistribution of the film and failing to make amends with the actors they harmed. I would hope that Paramount's counsel sees my statement along with those of many others and does the right thing."
Sincerely, Human Rights Attorney, Leigh Taylor Dundas, Esq.
Brian Robbins
Chairman and CEO
Paramount Pictures
Administration Building
5555 Melrose Ave
Los Angeles, CA
Dear Brian,
I have been following the recent tragic news on Olivia Hussey and Leonard Whiting. As a former President of the Paramount Motion Picture Group and a Paramount employee for eighteen years, I would urge you to get this settled if you possibly can.
Back in the late 1980s, I begged Chairman Martin Davis to settle the lawsuit with Art Buchwald on copyright infringement over Coming to America. Martin refused. The public spectacle cost the company millions in legal, but even more importantly a drain on human resources for twenty-four months and loss of corporate reputation. The court's determination that Paramount used "unconscionable" means to determine royalties hurt us for many years.
If I can be of help in anyway, I am here to help. My contact info is below. Mark Badagliacca has known me since we were kids at the company. I like how you are positioning Paramount and I want the company to succeed. This will become a firestorm, providing untold ink from editorial desks.
Thank you.
Best wishes
David Paul Kirkpatrick
"As a Catholic Priest that has dedicated a lifetime (over half a century) to the church, who has also served as the national director (2000-2014) of Family Theater Productions in Hollywood (CA), and president of Holy Cross Family Ministries, I can assure you that there is no place for sexploitation in our society.
Though the film "Romeo and Juliet," which was directed by Franco Zeffirelli and released in 1968, and more recently modernized and re-released in 2023, is considered an artistic masterpiece by many, one cannot dispute the fact that underage actors were filmed in the nude simulating a sexual act.
It is time for accountability, closure, and healing in this matter.
I pray that Paramount reaches out to Olivia and Leonard to provide them with the serenity that they deserve."
-Fr. Willy Raymond, C.S.C.
May 27, 2023
Dear Mr. Marinozzi:
My name is Lori and I am a high school English teacher in Massapequa, New York. I have been in the district for 21 years. My students are currently reading Romeo and Juliet, and we have been watching the movie starring Leonard Whiting and Olivia Hussey. All of us have become big fans of these two stars and are hoping you could please relay the message how much we are enjoying their portrayal of these iconic Shakesperean characters!
Unfortunately, the students were not happy with me when I had to skip over the scene which contains nudity. Although the entire movie is phenomenal, that one scene is not appropriate for any of the English teachers to show in class.
Thank you!
Lori Bauer
Letters from a young advocate who is taking action (voicing her concerns) in seeking accountability (Paramount & Criterion) on behalf of Olivia and Leonard
Dear Mr. Warren Buffett,
My name is Ella Rose Leisey, I am a rising college freshman and a committed supporter of actors Olivia Hussey and Leonard Whiting. I am writing to you today as a representative for Ms. Hussey, Mr. Whiting and all who care about them. As the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, it is of the utmost urgency that Paramount's exploitative and pedophilic actions are brought to your attention.
At the sensitive ages of sixteen and seventeen, Ms. Hussey and Mr. Whiting were given their big break by famed director Franco Zeffirelli in "Romeo and Juliet." However, profound mental anguish would be soon to come with Paramount's mass distribution of the bedroom scene. After originally being promised to be censored in nude undergarments, Ms. Hussey and Mr. Whiting were eventually coerced into filming completely nude while imitating sexual acts.
As a result, the scene equates to child pornography under federal law (title 18 section 2256.) Further amplifying the situation, Paramount recently authorized a high definition re-release of the film in 2023. Consequently, allowing for the underage naked bodies of Ms. Hussey and Mr. Whiting to be viewed by predatory individuals in enhanced resolution.
The emerged repercussions have been detrimental and deeply troubling. I'm confident in our mutual understanding that consent is primary in any business transaction, at sixteen and seventeen Ms. Hussey and Mr. Whiting could have never possibly consented or imagined the outcome of Zeffirelli's sudden request. As noted before, Ms.
Hussey's bare breast and Mr. Whiting's buttocks are fully visible in the scene. This has attracted many perpetrators who are sexually attracted to children, causing the images to be uploaded to porn sites for autoeroticism.
As a father and grandfather, I hope that this is devastating news. I'm sure that any individual who sincerely cares about the wellbeing of children would be disturbed to find out that their shareholder company is actively spreading child pornography. I humbly plead that you utilize your authority and present this issue to your shareholders during your annual meeting on May 4, 2024. Please consider giving your partners the opportunity to decide if they would like to support such a heinous and unethical company.
I greatly admire your countless acts of philanthropy throughout your extensive career. With that being said, I respectfully suggest you explore an additional humanitarian endeavor and sell Berkshire Hathaway's holding in Paramount. Doing so would align with your philosophy of changing lives with your investments. I kindly ask that you do not overlook the moral cost or the suffering of Ms. Hussey and Mr. Whiting.
I have an immense regard for your interview with Charlie Rose in which you expressed sincerity and responsibility in managing people's money. I encourage you to lead by example and cease investing in Paramount who promotes devaluing and sexually exploiting others.
Lastly, if you wish to educate yourself further on what Ms. Hussey and Mr. Whiting have endured due to Paramount's willful and intentional production and distribution of involuntary child pornography please take a moment to visit the website (link below) to learn more.
Integrity is priceless.
Respectfully, Ella Rose Leisey
https://romeoand julietlawsuit.com
Dear Mr. Goodell,
My name is Ella Rose Leisey, I am a rising college freshman and a committed supporter of actors Olivia Hussey and Leonard Whiting. I am writing to you today as a representative for Ms. Hussey, Mr. Whiting and all who care about them. As the Commissioner of the NFL, it is of the utmost urgency that Paramount's exploitative and pedophilic actions are brought to your attention.
At the sensitive ages of sixteen and seventeen, Ms. Hussey and Mr. Whiting were given their big break by famed director Franco Zeffirelli in "Romeo and Juliet." However, profound mental anguish would be soon to come with Paramount's mass distribution of the bedroom scene. After originally being promised to be censored in nude undergarments, Ms. Hussey and Mr. Whiting were eventually coerced into filming completely nude while imitating sexual acts. As a result, the scene equates to child pornography under federal law (title 18 section 2256) Further amplifying the situation, Paramount recently authorized a high-definition, rerelease of the film in 2023. Consequently, allowing for the underage naked bodies of Ms. Hussey and Mr. Whiting to be viewed by predatory individuals in enhanced resolution. As we both know, the film doesn't lie.
The emerged repercussions have been detrimental and deeply troubling. I'm confident in our mutual understanding that consent is primary in any business transaction, at sixteen and seventeen Ms. Hussey and Mr. Whiting could have never possibly consented or imagined the outcome of Zeffirelli's sudden request. As previously noted, Ms. Hussey's bare breast and Mr. Whiting's buttocks are fully visible in the scene. This has attracted many perpetrators who are sexually attracted to children, causing the images to be uploaded to porn sites for autoeroticism.
As a father of twin daughters, I hope that this is devastating news. I'm sure that any individual who sincerely cares about the wellbeing of children would be disturbed to find out that a company they have partnered and promoted (the NFL has streamed on Paramount Plus) is actively spreading child pornography. I humbly plead that you utilize your authority and address this issue by having the NFL sever its relationship with Paramount, thus sending a loud and clear message that your organization will not be involved (zero tolerance) with a company that has committed such a heinous and unethical act.
I am well aware of the NFL's history in disciplining its players involved in sexual and abusive domestic controversies and commend you for having taken swift action in addressing these matters.
Lastly, if you wish to educate yourself further on what Ms. Hussey and Mr. Whiting have endured due to Paramount's willful and intentional production and distribution of involuntary child pornography please take a moment to visit the website (link below) to learn more. If you need further evidence of the harm that can be done by someone unlawfully distributing nude images, look no further than one of your own NFL employees, sideline reporter Erin Andrews.
Ella Rose Leisey
"After extensively researching the facts, laws, and physical evidence involved in this disturbing legal matter with Leonard Whiting and Olivia Hussey, and Paramount Pictures…only one conclusion can be formed:
That Paramount Pictures was involved in distributing child pornography concerning the film "Romeo and Juliet" (1968)…and indeed funded the production of the movie and willfully promoted it.
As a former law enforcement officer, it is my opinion that their actions are criminal and subject to federal prosecution.
I would like to remind others of the names of Reuben Sturman and Traci Lords when considering this unlawful situation."
- Rick Lentini P.I.
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